American Sign Language Program at Sioux Falls School Has Been Expanded

The Sioux Falls School District’s (SFSD’s) current move to expand its American Sign Language program addresses an integral element of the D/HoH way of life. Deaf educator Colleen Barber considers the move to be a substantial boon to her community. Prior to the enactment of the new policy, she had been the only teacher of ASL. But this time there is one other American Sign Language instructor. And seeing the program expand, Ms. Barber is hopeful with regards to ASL’s future in her community.

Throughout the past years, high school students could only get just one year of language credits from learning ASL. Now, with the addition of American Sign Language level 3 and 4 classes, pupils can meet their particular second language requirements with ASL solely

The SFSD‘s Rebecca Wimmer states that addressing the community’s diverse needs is increasingly important as the city of Sioux Falls develops. These needs would be the necessities of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing students. As a result, the School District has expanded its ASL program to benefit these learners and hearing students. "For our high school students, we [need to] prepare them for that next phase of life, make sure that they’re getting access to college programs, that they have career readiness skills," Ms. Wimmer proclaimed.

The Advantages of Expanding American Sign Language Programs

1. Social Advantages

Giving hearing students the option to consider ASL courses endorses greater inclusivity within the schools along with nearby local communities at the same time. Learning ASL as a secondary language furthermore widens the scope of hearing students’ social networks to involve individuals of the D/HoH population.

Furthermore, educating American Sign Language in public schools gives D/HoH learners many additional possibilities to have interaction with their hearing class mates.

2. Intellectual Benefits

Many studies have shown that learning a whole new language enhances cognitive processes, which leads to greater academic achievement and greater chances for career success.

- Abstract reasoning

- Creative thinking

- Problem-solving skills

- Mental flexibility

- Listening skills

3. Additional Benefits

Conversing in a visual way like signing improves students’ visual sensitivity, spatial awareness and ability to psychologically rotate an object and view it from different perspectives.

4. Employment Opportunities

Learning ASL as a second language increases students’ career opportunities. From sign language interpreting and teaching to speech audiology and pathology, the plethora of jobs involving American Sign Language is extensive.

Besides the many incentives that American Sign Language programs provide individual D/HoH and hearing students, they additionally help communities. For that reason, around 35 states currently acknowledge ASL as a modern language in their school systems. And more and more US colleges and universities offer ASL classes.